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Never Consigned?


Consigning with Hugs & Kisses is fun, easy, and you get to MAKE MONEY!

Shopping at Hugs & Kisses is fun, easy, and you get to SAVE MONEY!

If you have never consigned before, this page will give you a great overview of consigning with H&K.  Our website will walk you through all the steps needed for you to consign with us.  If you are not a consignor, just a shopper checking us out, please click on our
Sale Times so you can come in and save money on name brand children's items. 

So what are we? Hugs & Kisses is a one week event...a huge SALE.  We are not a store.  (Which means you get to make more money!)  Hugs & Kisses leases the Crown Expo Center for the sale and then we do it all - in just that one, crazy, fun, exciting week.  There is a Spring sale (March) and a Fall sale (August) we have each year.  

But all you have to do is consign your items, bring them to the sale during drop-off, and we do the rest.  You do not have to stay and sell your items, we do that for you.  And Hugs & Kisses takes care of all the expenses to make the sale happen.  The percentage deducted from your sale's total enables us to lease the Expo Center, do all the advertising (signs, radio, newspaper, website, flyers, Facebook, etc.), provide all the clothing racks and tables needed to hold the sale, and handle all the transactions.  We even handle any items you want to donate.  Now we do rely on our many volunteers or this sale would never be possible.  Hugs & Kisses is a team effort!  And if you are consigning, the more people you tell, the more money you could potentially make.  

So what about the money you make?  Well, because we have a completely automated system, you'll be able to pick up your check when you pick up your unsold items the Saturday following our sale.  But if you're donating your remaining items and want to save yourself a trip, we automatically mail you your check the following business day if you choose to not come to pick up.  But either way, it's so much faster than waiting days or weeks for your check.   So browse through the site, email us with questions, and learn how to get your items ready for our upcoming sale.  Especially if this is your first time ever consigning, we recommend that you read through the entire website before contacting us - there's a lot of info in here!  It will also help you understand everything before you begin pricing and tagging. 

And now the very basics...CONSIGNOR 101
(just a quick overview explaining how this works)

This is just a quick overview; more detailed information is found under the Consignor Home page .  Now if you want to consign - (this means you have items you want to sell) - you must register online.  You will need access to a computer and printer.  Once you register, you will be assigned a consignor number and be asked to create a password.

After you register, you are ready to enter your items online.  To do enter items, you must log into the website (it will ask for your consignor number and password that you submitted).  You will come to a page that enables you to enter your items.  Each item you enter will have a tag and unique barcode assigned to it.  Take one item you want to consign and enter in the information about that item.  What you have to do is pick the size (if applicable), pick the price you want to sell it for, give a brief description of it, choose whether or not to discount it for the half-price sale, choose to donate it or not donate if it doesn't sell, and then click enter.  After that item is done, you can then enter in information for another item to consign. 

Once you have entered your items in, you can print your tags.  Insert white cardstock paper into your printer to print your tags on.  Then, click "print tags" and out your tags will come with an assigned barcode as well as the other infomation (price, size, etc).  Cut out your tags and then place them on the appropriate items.  If tagging clothing items, they must be on hangers.  (We do NOT provide hangers.) Once all your items are tagged, double check to make sure tags are secure and on the proper items.  Then sort according to gender and size.  Then, when drop-off time begins, you're ready to bring them in, ready to sell.  (Please have all items tags and if clothing, on hangers when you come to drop-off.)  More details you will need to know about are found here, on our pricing and tagging page.

Please read through the entire website before contacting us.  We think we've covered everything in the website, but in case we haven't, then contact us.

We can't wait to see you there!

Hugs & Kisses  xoxo