"Great food in a great atmosphere. We love to eat here!" Tuesday is 4.99 pizza day! - Boyd and Lori Dellinger Owners of Hugs & Kisses Consignment Sale, LLC
*Consignors make 2/3 of the sale price. *A $5 consignor fee is subtracted from your check. (Super Duper Volunteers ONLY have their $5 consignor fee waived. There will be no deduction on your check.) *You will need access to a computer, printer, and cardstock to participate. *You must register online and follow our guidelines to participate.
Important Consignor Dates:
*Saturday (August 4)@ 8pm -Deadline for registration and entering items. (This is when drop-off ends.) *Friday (August 3) from 3pm-9pm -Drop-off times. INSTRUCTIONS - CLICK HERE *Saturday (August 4) from 9am-8pm -Drop-off times. INSTRUCTIONS - CLICK HERE *Tuesday (August 7) from 11am-9pm -Consignor private shopping. *Thursday (August 9) from 7pm-9pm -Consignor private 1/2 price shopping. *Saturday (August 11) from 7pm-9pm -Check and unsold item pick-up.
Consignor Links: On your next visit to our site, to enter items, just go directly to the consignor login page, click on the stroller icon at the top of the homepage (below the top two pictures).